Posts By: Emma Gill

Tranzaura is elevating defect reporting standards for Bus Operators across England with its widely adopted electronic App. As of September 2024, over 11,000 buses in England (36%) now use the Tranzaura App daily, replacing traditional paper methods for tracking unplanned maintenance tasks. Bus drivers check an average of 130,000 items daily, amounting to almost 4

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In a predominantly digital world, there can often be an overload of systems; having one for fuel, one for costs, one for maintenance and so on can be laborious and confusing for managers and engineers. On top of this, it can often result in data and records becoming disjointed or lost, meaning that you risk

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In today’s data-driven world, businesses of all sizes are collecting vast amounts of information from various sources. While this data has the potential to provide valuable insights, many organisations struggle to make sense of it all. The issue is compounded by the use of a patchwork of disconnected systems that don’t talk to each other.

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Hire and leasing companies face several challenges related to asset management, including maintaining accurate records, ensuring compliance, and managing costs. Common processes found in the sector, include the use of traditional paper- based systems and excessive spreadsheets to manage their documentation and assets. Managing the records of multiple customers can lead to issues that impact

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