If you missed our recent webinar on Digitising Unplanned Maintenance, you can watch this via YouTube in your own time. Just request your copy below. Tranzaura have been working with the bus sector in the UK & Ireland since 2013 to modernise & streamline their unplanned maintenance systems (first-use checks and defect reporting) in order
Posts By: Emma Gill
Tranzaura have worked with the London Bus Market since 2015 to unlock the potential of technology in their engineering functions. Seven years on, 55% of the London Red Bus market use the Tranzaura App instead of paper for unplanned maintenance. Around 3.4 million individual items are now inspected every 30 days in London (113,000 everyday)
Listen to Seb Harrington, RATP Dev Transit London discuss his experience with Tranzaura the fastest growing Saas software in Fleet Management.
Listen to Rick Weller from Go Ahead London buses discuss his experience working with Tranzaura.
Listen to Chris Mc Keown from Go Ahead London discuss his experience with Tranzaura the fastest growing Saas in Fleet Management Software.