Communicating with Fleet Drivers

As a fleet manager, you know that communication with your drivers is an essential part of your day to day operations. It’s not easy to manage, though – you have multiple ways to get in touch, by email, text message, phone calls, video calls, and that’s even before you look at corporate communications tools like Teams and Slack. None of these, of course, are designed for fleet use, and with so many possible channels of communication, it’s entirely possible that even urgent messages will be missed or seen too late.

Tranzaura’s Driver Connect

Tranzaura’s Driver Connect is the solution to your communication problems. Essentially, it helps you create a more engaged and connected company culture for your remote drivers (who can often feel like they’re out of the loop). It’s ideal for large or complex fleets where there can be a struggle to keep drivers informed. And steady communications make them feel valued and consciously mindful of their behaviour as a representative of your organisation when out on the road.

Driver Connect is both a messaging platform and a training delivery channel. You can communicate important information directly to your drivers, as well as updates on regulations, weather, delays or blockages, or anything else they might need to know. You can target individual drivers, or groups based on many different criteria – up to and including the drivers who are currently in a particular location. You can also deliver training without pulling drivers off the road or scheduling time with trainers in particular places. Tranzaura provides a core set of safety and other relevant training videos, and you can easily upload your own content.

Incident Management

Of course, you also need to keep track of driver hours, for which the Tachograph Analysis product is essential. The two products – and everything else in the Tranzaura fleet management system – integrate seamlessly. And for when accidents happen – although communications and training will certainly reduce them! – there’s the Incident Management app, which means that all the relevant information is captured, and your drivers are safely and comfortably back on the road as soon as possible.

Contact us today to see how we can help with fleet driver communications!