HGV Vehicle Inspection Fleet Management Checklist App
HGV inspection checklists are one of the most important parts of your heavy goods fleet management system. They’re the essential checkpoint where theory meets practice, where the actual drivers report in on the vehicles they’re about to drive. But when they’re word or PDF documents printed out with tick boxes and fields to write in, they’re also inefficient, error-prone, and a waste of paper. Walkaround checks are difficult, and nobody likes them.
Replacing paper with a HGV inspection checklist app solves all of these problems. The app is efficient and easy to fill out; no more struggling to find a sheltered spot behind a truck cab in rain and wind. It’s far less prone to errors; there’s no transcription stage and no struggle to read someone else’s handwriting or work out which checkbox they actually meant to tick. And of course there’s no paper, which is both more sustainable and means you don’t have to track where the completed forms are. With many companies operating tens, hundreds, or even thousands of heavy goods vehicles, and with driver shortages being the new reality, anything that smooths things out is no longer a luxury.
It’s clear that a vehicle checklist app will make everyone’s life easier. Tranzaura’s Vehicle Check App does all of this and integrates with the rest of our fleet management software – so you have all the input you need to track vehicle locations, maintenance, safety, repairs, breakdowns, and even, when you need it, accident and incident reporting. The replacement of paper checklists will save you time and money, and lead to far more efficient fleet operations. Your drivers will thank you, and so will your fleet administrators.
Book a chat today, and see how Tranzaura’s Vehicle Check App can improve your HGV fleet management systems!