Research shows that 42.5% of defects are going undetected

Ensuring daily walkaround checks happen is part of the commitment HGV fleet operators make to receive a license and an integral part of compliance and safety programmes. Daily walkaround checks are important for a range of reasons. Completing them means drivers and fleet operators are constantly aware of the state of their vehicle(s) and drivers are informed of company safety practices keeping them alert and aware.

Numerous surveys have found out half of the HGV fleets in operation are using paper and half the driver population will admit anonymously to not doing a daily or consistent check of their vehicle. These numbers tell us there are just too many risks being taken and needlessly so. The DVSA reported in January 2020 that 85% of defects can be picked up during a walkaround check. Doing the maths means that 42.5% of vehicle defects are going undetected.

When to perform your daily walkaround checks

The daily walk-around check should be performed by drivers before starting their first journey of the day, even if the vehicle has been checked and used previously on that same day. Every person checking the vehicle must be suitably trained to inspect the vehicle so it can operate safely and reliably. Drivers should be able to report defects, or fix them, before getting on the road. It is very important they make sure the vehicle they are going to operate is in roadworthy condition and it is their responsibility to refuse to drive an unsafe vehicle.

If you currently use paper to record defects and carry out your daily check, you’ll know this is time consuming, expensive, prone to human error and can also become a tick box exercise that is not carried out properly leading to unsafe drivers and vehicles. Using an app such as Tranzaura’s mobile app allows fleet managers to create a safe and compliant daily walk around check that can be done on a smart phone consistently and properly.

How the Tranzaura App can assist with your daily walkaround checks 

Our Tranzaura App is simple to use for drivers of any IT ability and makes sure that they complete every check, meaning that you will always have peace of mind that both your drivers and vehicles are the safest they can be. Once the check is done, the results are submitted in real time from the App to their Fleet/Transport Manager.

In Tranzaura one of our mottos is ‘Safe Drivers make Safe Vehicles not the other way round’, meaning anything we do looks at safety checks from both the perspective of keeping the driver informed and safe plus ensuring the vehicle is in the best condition possible. You need both for a safe fleet, having safe vehicles is only a part of the equation.

Shane Mann CEO Tranzaura states “We have a proven track record with large safety conscious fleets and providing them with the means to demonstrate they are a responsible operator.”

Be best in class and get in touch with us today to learn more about our customisable app.