Posts Tagged: Unplanned Maintenance

If you missed our recent webinar on Digitising Unplanned Maintenance, you can watch this via YouTube in your own time. Just request your copy below. Tranzaura have been working with the bus sector in the UK & Ireland since 2013 to modernise & streamline their unplanned maintenance systems (first-use checks and defect reporting) in order

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A smaller fleet, run on tighter margins, with improved safety outcomes? IT’S TIME TO LEARN HOW DIGITISING UNPLANNED MAINTENANCE CAN BENEFIT YOUR BUS FLEET We sat down with engineering teams working in some of the most forward-thinking bus fleets in the UK to see how digital systems were modernising their first-use checks and defect reporting,

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You can use Tranzaura’s fleet management efficiency suite, particularly Resource Planning to match the trucks and engines to the routes rather than sending whatever truck happens to be available. Efficiency is a byword for any fleet manager, whether the fleet is small or large. There are always ways to improve the time, cost, or output

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